Sunday, November 28, 2010

What Should Your Facebook Profile Look Like?

Hello Everyone,

Your Facebook profile is very important for others to get to know who you are. If your profile is not set up correctly you will have visitors judging everything else but YOU!

What do I mean about that? I see most people set up their profile 20% THEM and 80% THEIR BUSINESS! When a visitor comes to that type of profile they judge the business before they judge the person. Putting your business in your profile page doesn't separate you from your competition. Another issue I see with most people that they use their company LOGO as a profile picture. This is even worse than putting your business in your profile because they will judge your picture before looking at your profile page. Another one that I see that most people do is they put 6, 8 and/or up to 10 links to their website. This will scare a visitor when they see this because that is a sign of desperation or THROWING UP!

So let me show you how to set up your Facebook profile the right way. You see, you want your visitor to JUDGE YOU not your BUSINESS! Why? This is a RELATIONSHIP BUSINESS not let me show you what I do and then get to know me. The first thing you should do is to get a good picture of yourself with a good background. Now I don't mean a picture of yourself with your company banner behind you but with a goal. For example, My picture is myself with a BMW that I want. It sparks up conversation and makes your visitor curious. Another good background is a place that you like or want to go ( beach, cruise etc. ). The next thing you should do is to place a message below your picture describing a purpose and directing your visitor to a blog where they can learn more about you. If you don't have a blog DON"T send them to your company website. Make sure when you set your Facebook account you know WHY you are setting up your profile. For example I call myself Facebook Specialist because I teach others how to market on Facebook. You may be there to develop good friendships, specialty, etc. just place it there.

The next thing you should do is to write a bio about yourself. It should not be 10 or 20 paragraphs long, it should tell a short story about yourself. Pretend like you are talking to your visitor, it makes it easier to type your bio. DON'T TALK ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS but you can talk about why you are involved with a Home-Based Business or Direct Sales. Remember tell a story! And last your links should go to a blog NOT YOUR BUSINESS! You want your visitor to get to know you NOT YOUR BUSINESS!

Remember you want to show value to your visitor so that you can stand out from the other 97% that put 100 links and their company banner. If you are brand new and are wondering how you can show value, pick up an e-book or a course on a marketing strategy and teach it for FREE! That is ATTRACTION MARKETING my friend!

To Learn More About The Author And See More Content Like This Click Here==>

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Social Networking: A Prevalent Phenomenon

"Social networking is in its infancy and I'm guessing it will become as widespread as email," - Richard Kimb

By definition a social network is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities.
The above said statement by Mr. Richard Kimb has been rightly quoted, what Mr. Richard believes in is surely on its way to reality. According to, Internet sharing trends have shifted heavily toward social networking. A statistical report highlighting Social Networking Trends by Bob Hazlett has showcased very astonishing results. According to him, Facebook has more than 60 million active users worldwide, with their numbers doubling every six months. Myspace on the other hand has more than 110 million monthly active users around the globe. Twitter has become the most effective tool for click-through. All these statistics have a story to tell; social networking which began as a humble approach in the late 90s has been metamorphosed into something extraordinary. In simple layman's language, it has become a medium for expressing human emotions.

This service is designed to be very user friendly and simple in layout. It generally requests the user to create a profile of them and mention their details and socially shareable information as per their personal interest. Once the profile has been created people can connect with other users of the website. Many social connecting websites are available in the cyber space, but the most prominent ones are Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, Hi5 and Bebo to name a few. In this modern age sharp edged competition has kept these e-networks on their toes, in the attempt to attract maximum traffic these websites often come up with innovative ideas for which they are handsomely rewarded. For example, Facebook started allowing users share information present anywhere on the internet via the website's "Share" feature, this made the website engaging and subsequently lead to its percentage increase of market share, especially in India. A host of other activities like playing games, chatting with friends, exchanging mails, watching videos, reading articles, etcetera can be done when on a social networking website.

The rise of cyberspace networking has influenced the functioning of various sectors around us. Nowadays, people use social networks to enhance their business and brand value. Online tutors are available nowadays which make use of these networking sites to interact with their pupils efficiently. The list is endless, but as goes the saying "Each coin has two sides", this medium has its share of flaws too. Since social networking has become prominent there has been a tremendous rise in the rates of cyber thefts reported. Also a steep increase has been reported in cases of internet addiction disorder (IAD). Social Networking true to the sense has dissolved geographical limitations and has definitely made relationships closer but it resulted in certain bad experiences too. This medium has tremendous potential but only if used wisely.

Social networking also went one step ahead with people using websites to manage their bookmarks which are similar to favorite pages which was managed in the web browser till date.

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Obama's Custom Social Network

The recent years have seen a lot of entrepreneurs moving to online platforms to grow their business. Specifically, by using social media websites to establish a profile and brand for their company online. The importance of using social networking sites has become apparent to business owners, but unfortunately a lot of bad advice is out there on how to grow a custom social network.

I've spent five years studying and participating in social networking websites, and can tell you that most of the "new" advice out there on social media marketing is wrong! In fact, "experts" are having you chase around things that can have little growth affect on your business. So what's the key to social media success? To use social networking websites to build and foster a community!

One of the most important justifications I've ever seen behind this was with Barack Obama's 2008 political campaign. The election was the first to massively use social networking sites to connect with people. No matter what your political views are, his case is a case worth studying when trying to figure out how to launch your social networking campaign.

His campaign leaders recognized the importance of social networking (which later polls would show was one of the key reasons he won) early on in the election. They went out and actually hired one of Facebook's co-founders, Chris Hughes, to run the online portion of their campaign. Now remember, we are dealing with a people who had millions of advertising dollars at hand, and almost unlimited resources and technology to reach out to people. Hughes, however, knew what Facebook (and all social networking sites) was designed for and launched a different campaign idea.

His main focus was to build a strong social community around Obama. He set up the main website for Obama as its own custom social network, allowing people to register and design profiles based around the candidate, and to invite their friends to participate. Hughes knew the importance of viral marketing, and the importance of giving people the controlled power to promote their thoughts and ideas (centered on the candidate's ideas). Hughes made sure that all of Obama's Facebook, Twitter, pod casts, and other social media forums reflected the same goal, to build an online community for the offline election.

Now, Hughes did use paid advertising on Facebook, but only after the initial community had been set up. The secret to Barack Obama's online success was through building an online community around his ideas and campaigns. Hughes knew that social networking websites were designed for people to interact in online communities, and structured Obama's presence accordingly. When you build a community around your business, you're giving people the power to do all the work for you, like in Obama's case.

As Obama's campaign ended, Chris Hughes came forward with the numbers he generated for the campaign. The users on his website had created more than 2 million profiles, partook in the planning of over 200,000 offline events, formed 35,000 separate groups, posted nearly 400,000 blogs, and raised $30 million on 70,000 personal fund raising pages.

Instead of trying to sell to the community that is already online looking for your product or service, you need to become a part of that community, as the expert (or a expert) in your niche. Once you have established a community around your business, you will be able to grow (and sell) your business in ways that people only imagined before.

-Jerry Nihen

Jerry Nihen runs the popular website Jay Nine Lessons. Want to learn more ways that social networking can benefit your business? Discover the secrets behind social networking for businesses at

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How to Get Traffic to Your Facebook Fan Page

Ok, so I am going to discuss this assuming you have a Facebook fan page already. Once you have your page live and have about 50 to 100 friends on you page go to and click on the advertising link on the right. Type in Facebook and you will see people coming up with posts saying what they will do for a $5 a lots of people say things like this: "I will invite my 15000 Facebook Friends in your Group or Fan Page for $5." For a $5 how could we go wrong? So for example, if we spend $25 look how many people are going to our fan page.

You can have a look around on, you can find people who will to do anything for you for just $5! It's great value you could even get people to post on there wall about your website and there are even people on there that will tweet out 10 times a day for a week for only $5 do you think this will bring you traffic? My guess is yes, it will.

You can also get people to write articles make videos and even build your word press site for you and all this is $5! You can bet that the biggest money you're going to lose is only $5. I used to outsource all my stuff on, now I just use and it's saving me lots of money!

So once you have your Fan page up and you have about 1000 plus fans, you can send them to your website and offer them you affiliate products are if you have your own product you can ask them to buy it, remember there on your fan page they like what you talking about!

Listen, we've just released a new video course on Internet Marketing (Value $197)
And for a limited time you can get your hands on a FREE copy here
Don't hesitate - Fortune favours the Brave

Alan Brown

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Business Blogging Tips - Top 10

Don't blog when you have nothing to say

Sometimes you may sit down to write a blog post and draw a complete blank. If this is the case, go and do something else, don't feel you have to write a blog post just for the sake of it. Writing a blog post without much thought will only serve to devalue your blog in the eyes of its readers.

Keep it relevant to your business

There's nothing wrong with getting your personality across in your business blog posts but be careful not to overstep the mark. If people are reading your business blog they aren't interested in what you did at the weekend or any other personal information you may want to share; keep that for a separate personal blog.

Lay out your blog posts so they're easy to read

If you want people to actually read your blog posts then make sure you don't put any barriers in their way. Laying out your blog posts using bullet points or numbered lists will help make them easier to read and scan through as opposed to large chunks of text.

Vary your blog posts

If you continually blog about the same topic again and again people will soon get bored with your business blog. It's worthwhile to put some thought into what you're going to write about and whether people will really want to read it. Another good way to vary your blog posts is to share the responsibility with a member of staff.

Monitor your blog comments

Your blog should be an interactive feature on your website so it's good to allow people to comment on your posts. However, you'll need to make sure your content management system is set up so you can review all comments before putting them live on your site.

Commit yourself to blogging

It's easy to start off blogging regularly only to tail off after a few weeks or months. The key to a successful blog is to post regular, relevant and interesting content so it pays to make time to write content on an ongoing basis.

Don't try the hard sell

Using your business blog as simply another chance for a sales pitch will do nothing for your bottom line or credibility. Many small business owners make the mistake of trying the hard sell through their blog posts rather than providing interesting content people want to read.

Quality matters

Your blog is an important part of your business and as such you should treat it professionally. The quality of your spelling and content matters because your blog is a reflection of you and your business. It's wise to get someone else to double check your posts before making them live online.

Make it easy for people to find information

As with your main website the navigation on your blog should be clear and simple. Categorising your blog posts is a good way to make it easy for people to find the content they are interested in.

Add some background information on yourself

Having a picture of yourself and some background information lets people see the person behind the blog. This can help give your business a public face and a friendlier reputation.

Jamie Fairbairn is experienced in local search & online marketing and has worked with many small business owners to improve their search engine rankings over the past 10 years.

Jamie's blog can be found at

Visit for more hints and tips on business blogging.

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On Blogging and Creating a Blog You Love

Why do we think about writing, and then as writers, we begin think about blogging or creating a blog? Perhaps because it is so easy and perhaps because it is something we can do as a writer for a greater network than what we originally thought possible. The trouble with a blog that most writers find is that it takes away from the time that they have to write the work they need to write.

So then the question becomes how do we go about creating a blog? More to the point how do we create a blog that we love to write on and will not feel it is wasted time and effort?

Writing a blog is simple really, but creating a blog is harder. At least one which, we can really enjoy.

For the ones who aren't technically minded, there is blogger, WordPress, and typepad, or you can, if you are more technically inclined, create one yourself. For most writers, simple getting an account with any one of the many free blogging platforms will do for them and for the long-term. They are often happy with the templates offered and usually will not change much.

As for blogging, I also believe this is the way we showcase our work to people, it is our way to show that we have "got" what it takes, for example, people can "Stumble Upon" a blog, and rate it, but they can participate in this blog.

So how does that help me? this is usually the second question a writer asks. It is not unlike publishing a book, but in many ways it is a bit harder, as you do all the work, promoting it, writing it, and editing it.

Blogging is the one way people can connect and they way that people connect is by writing a blog that people need to go and see. Then it is up to the writer to commit to writing content on a regular basis and continue to write content that people will comeback and read.

This is not to suggest that you will make money, and it should not be the main focus of writing a blog, it should be because you are writing about a topic which you love to write about. Some might suggest writing as a topic. Others will say it is about the art of blogging, but whatever the reasons for your blog, you will need to create one and love what you are writing on it each day.

Rebecca is the author of many hubs on HubPages where The Fastest and Easiest Way to Make Money with Google AdSense? is found and writes about writing on the blog called: Living a Life of Writing. Rebecca publishes lenses on Squidoo as well where you can read How Squidoo has Helped my business

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Three Reasons Why Bloggers Fail

Blogs are started everyday, and yet, with the million of blogs that get started, very few go on to become commercially viable, or even get glanced at. Why? Because as much as blogging is about TRAFFIC, and CONTENT, it is about having the right mindset to take an idea, and put it into action with the ability to make a profit from it. There are, however, three reasons why bloggers fail.

Let's briefly go over the main points.

There are three reasons why bloggers fail....

1) They feel the market is saturated, and there is no room for another blog in that market.

2) They ask, "Why would anyone want to read what I've got to say on the topic?"

3) They think that they can't be original in that niche, as everyone is doing the same.

Let's just extend each point a little....

1) In any market, there is always room for one more take on a subject. In the internet marketing niche, the market is crammed with bloggers offering content on how to make money online, and there will always be a new take on an old subject. So don't feel that you can't offer something new, or won't be looked at.

Of course, you do have to look at branding...

2) Why would anyone want to read my content? Simple. People love reading new stuff. And if you have a new angle on something, then all the better. So don't fret that you won't get anyone reading your blog. It's likely that whilst you won't get 10, 000,000 people reading it, you will get at least more than 10 reading it. 10 is better than none.

3) Can you be original in a saturated niche? Yes. It's all about branding, and perception of something new. A teacher used to say to me at university, No content is 'new' it's just perceived as 'new.' Most content is just a rebranding of something else.

Think of POP MUSIC, FILMS, BOOKS, they are the same old stories rehashed and remade.

So, as long as you can pick out a branding angle for your product, i.e, your blog, then you have just a good a chance as any of gaining a readership.

I hope that's a little inspiration to get you started and to understand the top reasons why bloggers fail at blogging.

Next, If you are a complete newbie, then why not go to this link below, and grab your FREE ebook on mistakes newbie bloggers make when they first start blogging.

IF you are a complete newbie at blogging, and want some more tips, then why not go to this link below and get the full lowdown on starting your own blog.

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The Appeals to Being Your Own Boss

Chances are if you made it here then you aren't entirely happy with your job situation. Maybe you have a nagging boss, a stressful job, or, due to the economy, you're out of work right now. Regardless of the situation, the reality is that more and more people all around the world are turning to the internet to make a living... and not just a minimum wage salary, you can make 6 figures a year.

This may sound crazy to someone who grew up in a 9-5 state of mind, however, with over 1,500,000,000 unique internet users, you will be working within the largest "market" in the world. Of course, this article isn't going to go on and on about how easy it is to get rich quick online because quite frankly it isn't. Don't let this discourage you however, all it means is that just like any other job, you need to be dedicated to what you are doing. Of course, having your own hours and your own deadlines helps a lot with this.

One of the easiest and most proven ways to make money is by promoting other products and earning affiliate commission on any sales. The ideology behind affiliate marketing is to connect people looking for information to a product that will provide that information. In this way, the producer of the product is happy to get business, the user looking for information is happy when directed to a high quality product, and finally, you are happy because you made up to 75% on the sale.

Of course, this is a simplified version of what you will be doing, however, with the right plan it really is as easy as dedicating time and wanting to succeed.

For my Proven Strategy to starting a new life today, Click Here Don't delay, this method will not be available for long.

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Tips On Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is very vital if you want to survive the rat race. Let us discuss some tips on increasing traffic on your web page. These tips with regards to advertising have been proven to work.

Optimize your search engine. This tactic should be used in every sort of promotion being done. With this, the search engines will know what the content of your web page is. You never know, your site could in fact have a high ranking on a search engine. You see, when people search a particular keyword and your site is on the first five results, you have a high chance of being clicked by the person searching, which means your traffic increases.

Advertise on pay-per-click (PPC) programs such as Yahoo Marketing or Google AdWords, which are the largest of its kind in the World Wide Web.

Links for your page are posted in their sites and when a user clicks on these links, it takes them to your page, you pay only if somebody clicks on your link.

There are many other companies that offer advertising services but at a much cheaper costs.

Email marketing or accumulating a sizable email list is an effective way of making money and direct traffic to your web site. Instead of endorsing product links from affiliates, you can write a blog then publish it through your email list; these are the people who subscribed to your blog.

Article marketing is a useful way of creating back links to your page. The larger the number of articles you post on the web that have links that point to your web page the higher the traffic that is drawn to you. These articles have a word or phrase either in the beginning or in the end where they harbor links (these are colored blue) to your page. If you get these articles published in an article directory of a good quality, they can also rank high for those targeted keywords just as in search engine optimization. Thus your objective is to get as many articles published in these directories as can be managed.

Social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter has millions of visitors each month of the year. You can interact with individuals as well as use it to usher traffic into your page by making posts about your business. Some people post photos of their products and tag them.

Last but not the least; you can use video marketing to draw traffic to you. Create a video of your product or service, post it into a video hosting site like YouTube, and embed it into your page.

Use video marketing in you web site now. Hire a server that has flash streaming hosting. A flash streaming server will host your videos online.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Internet Marketing Specialist Search Engine Marketing

The world is currently submerged under a grave financial crisis and global economies are at the brink of meltdown. Maintaining one's lifestyle has never been harder. And to cope with the harsh times more and more people are betting it all on putting up their own home based business that they think will succeed. But most of these new businesses drown in the competition and devoured by the bigger companies. One great idea to avoid getting washed away by the turbulence is engaging in internet marketing. Professional marketing plans engineered by certified expert internet marketing specialists are the best tools a startup business can use for survival. Search engine optimization assistance is one field where specialists can be of great help.

Search Engine Optimization
The primary strength of the internet is that it allows the publisher to conduct global distribution of information at generally nil marginal cost. This has made online opportunities limitless and more and more companies are now exploiting these potentials to help make their businesses grow. And search engine optimization which aims to have a website or webpage rank high in the result pages of major SMs, is the undoubtedly the best way to make your business known in the virtual universe. And the best way to learn SEO is with the help of an internet marketing specialist.

There are over a billion websites listed with search engines (SMs) and more and more new websites are getting listed each day making the competition very tight and overwhelming. With so many competitors going after the same customer, most businesses, especially startups, find difficulty in getting good positions in the major search engines. Learning SEO and applying its techniques on your own can be advised, but such task can be very grueling and time consuming and you are very prone to making mistakes. Getting the aid of an internet marketing specialist specializing in the field of SM optimization is still the best option.

Certified internet marketing specialists more specifically referred to as search engine optimization experts are adept at strategically improving your search engine ranking. These experts are masters of the tried and tested effective and ethical SEO techniques that can formulate a fool-proof search engine marketing plan that can result in your website pr webpages gaining more top SURP placements than any other plan you could have possibly formulated using other means.

Latest research proves that almost 70% of website traffic is derived from search engines thus making the SMs the best place to start your internet marketing campaign. The major problem however, is that most people only view up to the first three search engine results pages thus making those ranked in the 4th to the latter pages get almost no traffic from the SMs. These is the problem because the less the traffic, the less earnings for the business while the more the traffic, the higher the returns. SEO internet marketing specialists will definitely help you utilize search engines to gain new customers and keep the old ones hooked.

You better be careful in searching for the right internet marketing specialists to partner with because many claim to be experts but only a few know what they are actually doing. The most common mode of operations of such fraudulent claim-to-be-specialists is offering to rewrite the client websites meta-tags and then manually resubmitting it to over thousands of directories and search engines. They claim that this process that they are making available for you at only $35.95 or o will ensure a Top Ten ranking in Google or other major SMs.

The truth is meta-tags have already become a thing of the past. In fact, Google gives almost no attention to them anymore, and so will the other search engines in the very near future. Google is the current king of kings of all search engines and the other SMs are sure to follow Google's footsteps. The greatest threat of tying up with a fake internet marketing specialist is that they can bring your site down instead of improving its performance. Google ban's websites listed on farm-link exchange sites. These free-for-all link exchange sites are where fraudulent specialists will submit your site. They may even be using banned-by-Google auto-submitter tools. Google does these to urge people to refrain from using keyword stuffed meta tags and focus on the real element that drives SM positioning, the content.

Content is king. No website element is more important than content. A real internet marketing specialist will undoubtedly offer rewriting of your content or writing of new content for your website. He will make your content appealing and useful for internet users while at the same time being attractive to search engine spiders.

Who am I? I am who I am..

internet marketing specialist

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Keyword Research For Online Marketing

Keyword research is a very big part of search engine optimization, and the ultimate success for all online marketing. You can market till your blue in the face, spend thousands of dollars every month, and if you aren't targeting the proper keywords for your market, it won't do a bit of good!

You must continually find good quality keywords that produce results for your goals. Keyword research must become an integral part of your marketing strategy. Your marketing campaigns must be constantly analyzed to ensure you are getting the proper lead attraction you are shooting for. The first step in the process is start slowly, come up with a list of words relating to your particular market. Before blindly marketing you must do the proper research.

There are many good keyword tools out there to choose from. I feel you need to employ several different ones in the beginning.

* Overture Keyword Selector Tool
* Word tracker
* Google AdWords Keyword Tool
* Google Suggest
* Trellian Keyword Discovery Tool
* WordStream Keyword Research Tool

Keeping track of your competition to see what they are doing is all part of the process. You must constantly keep track of how many sites are competing for the same keywords. The ultimate success of any adword campaign requires constant monitoring, and tweaking. Understanding your competition and your own needs are of paramount importance.

So when planning your ad campaign try to target three or four keywords per page, when you get better at it you might add a couple more. If you use too many you run the risk of driving your ranking down. Also remember to use the keywords in the title, description, header, and any other place the particular service your using allows.

Although there are very good services available, in the beginning you should stick to free services in order to build your online presence as cost effectively as possible. The majority have some very good tools available.

So to wrap it up: you need to define your keyword groups and come up with as many different keywords as possible. Do your diligent research to find the best ones, build your campaign around them, and finally do not neglect your monitoring. In PPC advertising you could spend several hundred dollars a day and walk away with virtually nothing to show for it. The old adage of buyer beware is extremely appropriate in any advertising campaign. To your ultimate online success.

Michael Matney Sr. is a personal business coach and mentor to aspiring internet entrepreneurs. I believe a mentor and coach could be the most important decision you make when when starting your internet business. To your ultimate success. Check out my company at For more info on how to get started working with me go to

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Google Online Job - Google Online Home Business

A Google online job like Google AdSense is suitable for job-seekers and those who would wish to supplement their income by working part time. The simplicity of the program further makes it more attractive for any interested party. Nevertheless, you need to have some idea on search engine optimization to improve the content of your website otherwise you would be forced to spend some more money hiring a Search Engine Optimization consultant. This point is very important, for the total amount of money, which you can earn in a particular period, depends on the content of the website and the number of clicks on the advertisements. The payment threshold is normally $100 and payment is usually via check or bank deposits.

On the other hand, a Google online job such as Google AdWords is not suitable for job-seekers and newbie marketers. This is because you have to pay Google a specified amount of money, every time a visitor clicks on your advertisements that are on the Google website. Whenever, a user searches for a particular keyword, advertisements for the relevant words appear on the search results as sponsored links. The ordering of the advertisement list depends on the other marketers' Pay-per-click bids and the quality score. There is no guarantee that your advertisements will appear in the first page, especially if other internet marketers have outbid you in the advertisements.

Google online jobs such as Google AdSense are suitable for newbie internet marketers. However, there are a lot of requirements and processes that one has to meet in order to gain anything. Firstly, you have your own website, which has to contain high quality content. In addition, you have to sign up with a web hosting company, for them to host your website. If you are broke, then it means you cannot start marketing your products right away. Furthermore, for you to be able to establish a steady income stream, you need to create numerous websites with high quality content. This can be a very tedious and expensive process. Google AdWords is not suitable for job-seekers and newbie marketers, for it requires a huge investment and a high level of marketing expertise for you to make any monetary gains.

We cannot deny the fact that any Google online job could be a great option for work at home opportunities. However, there are even better options available. Online marketing schools offer most of the tools that you would require to get started as an internet marketer. When it comes to developing your website, you do not need to hire a web designer, for they have tools that are suitable for developing your website even if you do not have any knowledge in web design languages. There are also tools that can improve the content of your website in a matter of seconds. In addition, some of these online schools offer services such as free web hosting, thereby ensuring that you save some of your money.

To learn how to build your business and make money online for years to come by means of internet marketing, or more specifically affiliate marketing, visit the Make Money Online Blog. Remember, it takes work and dedication to be successful so you need to be willing to put forth the required effort if you want to be your own boss.

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Buy Targeted Web Traffic?

Do you want to buy targeted web traffic but don't know where to go? Don't want to spend all the money that's involved with PPC or Adwords? Then don't. You can buy targeted web traffic by not buying it at all. Using online video sharing sites like YouTube or Vimeo is one of the best ways to drive free, targeted traffic, you can even choose to buy it if you really want to.

Read on to learn how to use free targeted website traffic to increase profits and make more money online. If you have ever considered wanting to buy targeted web traffic then you already know how expensive it can be. Plenty of newbies and intermediate marketers get roped into paying for traffic that doesn't convert, doesn't help their sales and doesn't help their business. Avoiding paying for traffic the best idea possible, instead, try paying for methods that help you gain more free traffic.

This is more like a long term investment and pays off way better in the long run. A great way to get more free targeted web traffic is to go on sites like YouTube or Vimeo and start making videos. These videos more or less can act like "nodes" for funneling traffic to YOUR websites. Video marketing is one of the best ways to send traffic and get more sales to your websites. Make sure you check out all of your options for free targeted web traffic before you spend a lot of money on PPC or expensive media buys that aren't worth the money.

URGENT- Read This For Traffic: Did you know you can get free YouTube marketing and traffic by visiting Get free targeted web traffic with ease, visit today!

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Create Traffic Building Content For Your Site

When you want to drive more traffic to your site, you need to learn how to create traffic building content that brings in the viewers. You can build a high traffic website even if this is your first time. There are some things you should learn to do and some things you should avoid doing.

First, writing with keywords is important but you need to learn to use them correctly. What keywords would someone be searching for to help them find your site? What keywords are the most popular and also the most relevant to your site?

Having a content rich site is just as important as having the right keywords. More content doesn't necessarily mean better content. In fact, in some cases, less is more but you need to make sure what you do have is of high quality. It should read well and be free of spelling and grammar mistakes. It should also be relevant to your keywords and topic.

The reader should feel like they are gaining something or learning something from the content on your site. They should feel like they have benefitted by coming to your site or clicking on your link. Your ad is like a promise to what they will see when they come to the site. Don't leave them disappointed; be sure to fulfill the promises that your ads make.

It can also help you have active content such as forums or message boards where people can come to visit, leave their comments and participate in discussions together. When the visitor feels more active in the site itself, it will encourage them to come back again and also to recommend the site to others.

Now that you see how to create traffic building content for your site, you can get started making your sites the best around. Whether you create the content yourself or hire someone to write for you, it's important to build strong, high quality content for your site today.

What if you can't get more website traffic? Here's a "secret snowball traffic system" that has generated over 1,175,000 visitors for my tiny websites. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites.

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Making Most of the Submit URL Directory

The submit URL directories are very important in case you want to increase the traffic on your website. The increased traffic on the website would simply be translated into an increased sales figure, which would mean more money. The submit URL directory is not the only way of increasing the traffic on your site but it could be used as one of the powerful tools to do so. There are many directories available. Some would be free of charge and some would charge you for submission of you website's URL. The below mentioned points would help you make a prudent choice while looking at the various directory options.

You should know about the directory options which are well known and the most popular one. Even if you have to pay more to these submit URL directories as compared to the others, you should do that as this is worth an investment. This would not only increase the traffic on your site but would make you look good on the search engine result page as well.

The submit URL directory would need certain information over and above the URL of the site. Be very sure that the information that you provide as title, keywords and like should be accurate for getting the most of the submit directory benefits.

The URL submission directories would have their set of rules. If you are not abiding by the rules then you are not only wasting your money but your time as well.

Using the keywords while constructing the site and while providing information to a submit URL directory is of vital importance. Make sure the same is done in a way that it would reflect what your site is all about rather than just being a keyword optimization effort.

Have the website ready before you go for the URL submission directory. The best way to have a simple and workable website is to keep it simple with the least possibly pop ups and links as these would be noting but senseless distractions.

You should know the various Submit URL directory categories and should be able to know which category would suit your site the best.

The author is a professional writer and also fond of diverse writings. Presently writing about Submit URL directory and other online topics.

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Attracting Website Traffic - Where to Start

So, the challenging question becomes, how do I get hundreds of thousands of people to flood to my site? The answer to this question is as broad as the question itself because there are hundreds of ways to draw people into your site. Some of these traffic generating methods require money, such as PPC, or Pay Per Click, advertising, but there are several ways to generate tons of traffic to your website that won't cost you a dime.

And, in the state of today's economy, getting something for nothing is even more exciting than usual. What are 6 ways to generate traffic on a shoestring budget?

Strategy 1: Basic SEO Traffic Strategies

There is a ton of information out there regarding Search Engine Optimization. It is easy to get caught up in a lot of logistics. So in the beginning, it is best to stick with the basic tried and true SEO elements.

Identify your keywords
Choose a keyword rich URL
Make sure your Meta tags include your keywords
Write a short to the point Meta description
Include keyword rich content on your web pages
Strategy 2: Bi-weekly Craigslist Ads

This strategy is great for local service oriented businesses with new websites. You can post for free in most areas. Word of caution: Do not post your email address. Just direct people to your website.

Strategy 3: Social Bookmarking

By spending a little time creating your accounts and posting your website link, you can generate good back links from high page rank websites. Not only does this help with traffic but it helps with indexing your website pages in the search engines.

Strategy 4: Article Marketing

This must be one of the tried and true methods of building interest in your site and credibility with your brand. There are many websites that accept articles. There are many many people searching for what you have to offer.

Strategy 5: YouTube Videos

Video marketing is going to grow more popular than you can imagine within the next year. Putting a video on YouTube about your website and what you bring to the table is like having a permanent commercial posted online. If it's intriguing enough and your descriptions, keywords, and tags are chosen correctly, you could see some very positive results.

Strategy 6: Blogging and Forum Posting

Do you feel like you have great stuff welling up inside your mind but struggle with writing? Browse blogs and forums related to your niche. Join the discussion. You are bound to find someone saying something that will light a creative fire with you. Next thing you know, you have contributed to the conversation with quality information. It will be written with conviction and have a nice link back to your website if you choose.

Chris Darling founded in an effort to pursue her passions with supporting small local businesses with quality website design solutions. There are many web design firms to choose from and she believes that the best ones will combine a great design with flexible functionality. This is crucial for a small business that may want to add other features down the road. Getting started on the right path can save a lot of money in the future. Learn more about how you can make design meet function at

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