Saturday, January 16, 2010

Keyword Research For Online Marketing

Keyword research is a very big part of search engine optimization, and the ultimate success for all online marketing. You can market till your blue in the face, spend thousands of dollars every month, and if you aren't targeting the proper keywords for your market, it won't do a bit of good!

You must continually find good quality keywords that produce results for your goals. Keyword research must become an integral part of your marketing strategy. Your marketing campaigns must be constantly analyzed to ensure you are getting the proper lead attraction you are shooting for. The first step in the process is start slowly, come up with a list of words relating to your particular market. Before blindly marketing you must do the proper research.

There are many good keyword tools out there to choose from. I feel you need to employ several different ones in the beginning.

* Overture Keyword Selector Tool
* Word tracker
* Google AdWords Keyword Tool
* Google Suggest
* Trellian Keyword Discovery Tool
* WordStream Keyword Research Tool

Keeping track of your competition to see what they are doing is all part of the process. You must constantly keep track of how many sites are competing for the same keywords. The ultimate success of any adword campaign requires constant monitoring, and tweaking. Understanding your competition and your own needs are of paramount importance.

So when planning your ad campaign try to target three or four keywords per page, when you get better at it you might add a couple more. If you use too many you run the risk of driving your ranking down. Also remember to use the keywords in the title, description, header, and any other place the particular service your using allows.

Although there are very good services available, in the beginning you should stick to free services in order to build your online presence as cost effectively as possible. The majority have some very good tools available.

So to wrap it up: you need to define your keyword groups and come up with as many different keywords as possible. Do your diligent research to find the best ones, build your campaign around them, and finally do not neglect your monitoring. In PPC advertising you could spend several hundred dollars a day and walk away with virtually nothing to show for it. The old adage of buyer beware is extremely appropriate in any advertising campaign. To your ultimate online success.

Michael Matney Sr. is a personal business coach and mentor to aspiring internet entrepreneurs. I believe a mentor and coach could be the most important decision you make when when starting your internet business. To your ultimate success. Check out my company at For more info on how to get started working with me go to

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